219 words The /r/Nutrition Personal Nutrition Discussion Post (October 07, 2019) - All personal circumstance questions and evals pretaining to what you eat or might eat must use this post 128 words Eating uncooked quinoa? 111 words Just how bad is excess sodium for you? 212 words Mother needs to put on weight, but struggles a lot! 156 words Are there any types of protein or carbs that are liquid or gas at room temperature? 346 words Is it any wonder red meat is considered a possible carcinogen when it's cooked like this? 191 words Are these the fundamentals of nutrition? 163 words How do you feel about the ketogenic diet? 127 words The sausage question 215 words With what can beans/lentils be combined for complete protein, except for rice and wheat? 187 words As you get older and realized how bad Soda is, do you still drink it? 182 words Is it more better to fast a whole day or eat very little that day? 129 words The /r/Nutrition Personal Nutrition Discussion Post (September 24, 2018) - All personal circumstance questions and evals pretaining to what you eat or might eat must use this post 167 words Study: Comparison with ancestral diets suggests dense acellular carbohydrates promote an inflammatory microbiota, and may be the primary dietary cause of leptin resistance and obesity 160 words There is so much conflicting information about DAIRY. Is there some kind of conclusion about if dairy is good or bad for you? 321 words Silly question regarding butter/margarine 167 words What are the thoughts on saturated fats? 774 words How do you stick to your diet and not be anti-social? 103 words Complicated diet restrictions 201 words Tips on making eating healthy less...tragic?