Study: Comparison with ancestral diets suggests dense acellular carbohydrates promote an inflammatory microbiota, and may be the primary dietary cause of leptin resistance and obesity

that explanation still explains why the state of ketosis is beneficial for those with epilepsy, meaning the keto diet was created to keep people in ketosis in order to treat epilepsy. anyway i agree with your final statement, the diet that works best is the one that includes plenty of whole foods, no processed food and keeps a person at a healthy weight to prevent future health issues. if someone already has a health issue (other than epilepsy) keto might be an easier way to improve a specific person's health because easier to maintain the diet, or cut out all trigger foods that cause over eating, etc. someone might be able to fix their health issues (ie T2D) by eating a healthy regular diet as well. there is no proof that one diet will make someone live a longer life than the other diet, which is why i get confused when people say things like "the science for keto diet is solid".. solid for what.. epilepsy ?

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