143 words [F27] Is it okay to want to be a house wife? 203 words I need suggestions on how to make the last month of my (23M) girlfriend's (22F) life the best one. 157 words I(20F) slapped my BF(22M) over his language at a Valentines party 141 words GF (21F) is skipping my (23M) birthday plans for a photo shoot trip 141 words My partner (18 M) just proposed to me (18 F), and I want to say no 218 words How to reply to someone who only talks in click bait article titles 168 words Should I reach out to him? 270 words My [31/f] boyfriend [30/m] don’t prioritize life/career goals, value hobbies over adult things, and selfish about money. What should I do? 134 words My husband (20M) won’t talk to me (20F) or hang out with me 199 words My (30 F) boyfriend (30 M) always needs space after fights 292 words Girlfriend (29F) of 3 years broke up with me (30M), because I got jealous at a party. 127 words My girlfriend (28F) lied to me (25M) before we was "official". I haven't confronted her as I found out by snooping. 122 words my girlfriend doesn’t send me nudes but shows her friends her nudes she takes 204 words My long-term friend (25F) didn’t pick me (26F) as a bridesmaid for her wedding 220 words Need outside views / venting (m24) (f24) (f21) 146 words Breaking up over video games 140 words My (f21) father (65m) is cheating on my mom and I'm not sure how to move forward with being his daughter. 150 words How do I (22M) let my university know of the misandry of this ex-friend (23F)? 750 words I (26F) have trouble paying attention when my partner (26M) speaks to me. 126 words People in happy and healthy relationships, how do you and your partner solve arguments/conflicts?