156 words Should I (27M) break up with my girlfriend (24F)? 125 words Should i break up with my (27m) gf (26f) 133 words No one respected my (26F) boundaries as a child. It's damaged my ability to respect others' boundaries and I need to change that to be a good partner (31M). How do I do this? 191 words It’s tough dating a widower. I never feel good enough to measure up to his late wife. Should I approach this with him? How do I deal with it? 210 words Me (F28) with my ace partner (F26) of five years. Should I remove my nudity game modifications 120 words Does anyone else feel that the best relationships are with those who you DON’T really like at first? I’m heartbroken over this ending. I felt I found my soulmate. 175 words Bf (28M) won't stop "practicing" martial arts moves on me (19f.) 141 words I always crush on people but immediately get disgusted once in relationship. 179 words My BF(M/29) has a pot addiction. I (F/25) can't accept it 172 words I want another MFM threesome but my bf is jealous… 128 words i (25f) feel very insecure about my bf (23m) spending alone time with another female. 163 words I (M 25) got ghosted by (F 23) during a date and I have no idea why 262 words My boyfriend (45m) is claiming he doesn’t know how to shop for groceries. 260 words Is it okay for me (27M) to text a girl (26f) to thank her that she didnt want to be friends years ago? 158 words My girlfriend (28F) and I (28M) have been discussing getting engaged. I feel horrible about this, but I have been hesitating to move forward with it, and I think it's because I'm not physically attracted to her anymore. 192 words I (36M) think I'm falling for my friend (33F) even though it's a bad idea. Should I tell her how I feel or hope it passes? 293 words My(F,21) boyfriend(M,22) does not give me any presents ever. 130 words I think I have autism should I break up with my fiance M26 Fiance M27 167 words Am I really that bad for wanting my (23F) bf (31M) to spend our FIRST new year's together instead of partying with his friend? 500 words I (30F) am incredibly bored, sexually, in my marriage (relationship of 6+ years) with my husband (38M)