165 words Who's right about my weight, and how do I navigate going forward? 209 words My friend group has cut me off after a near suicide attempt—what to do? 148 words I (31m) can't stop thinking about my ex (23f) of 2,5 years even after almost 3 years and almost 1,5 years into a new relationship 124 words Boyfriend has a sex doll 244 words will i regret ending it for the college experience 277 words I am fucking furious about a situation with my [22M] friend group [mix of 22 and 21 F] 147 words Current boyfriend(M34) loves anal. I(F26) do not 342 words I am dating someone very normal (24M), but I'm sorta a loser (23F) - I'm hung-up on the past 169 words Besties divorce causing issues in my marriage 185 words My (32/F) boyfriend (32/M) of five years can never just be happy for me straight away. 223 words Unfinished business? Or perceiving things wrong? 200 words I (F35) feel my partner (M25) makes condescending comments about my intelligence during heated arguments. How should I approach this? 243 words My (26M) girlfriend (25F) communicates with lots of guys on Snapchat daily. Should I bring it up to address healthy boundaries? I feel disrespected. 612 words My (F22) boyfriend (21) does not want me around "his friends" and actively isolates me, what do I do? 161 words My [29F] best friend [30F] sent a nude picture of herself to my boyfriend [34M]. She is behaving very strangely and I do not know what to think. 143 words I don’t know where I stand with my “friend”. 240 words I (26M) can't stand how my gf (28F) handles minor annoyances 149 words Should I tell my bf I experimented with a friend seven years ago? 168 words My (29F) boyfriend's (30M) Mother is trying to force us to babysit her dog, how can I communicate that we can't? 209 words Did I (26f) just lose all romantic feelings for my boyfriend (32m) because of how he acted during a family crisis?