111 words Time to take the bull by the horns 226 words New to the simple/minimal lifestyle but feeling I should want more for myself 181 words 50 Ways to Use Less Plastic 245 words Anyone else can't stand urban areas? 146 words Yearly progress of living simply. Buying less clothes and what I learned. 170 words Pagan Simple Living 125 words Weekly Discussion - Smartphone Sundays. 200 words There’s not a person on earth who on their deathbed thinks, “I wish I had I only put in a few more hours at the office or sat in front of the TV more or bought more stuff." 264 words Anyone here a computer scientist? Interested in your thoughts 192 words How can I make my daily routine the as efficient as possible? 332 words Spend less time staring at a screen and more time living a simple life. Check out /r/NoSurf! 270 words Minimalist Lifestyle Guides for the Single Guys 397 words Does anyone else here take Simple Living and Minimalism as set of guidelines than treating them as strict rules? 242 words Little expenses add up! Here's some math about what can be saved, little by little, by reducing or cutting small daily expenses. 279 words What the heck am I supposed to do? 292 words Balancing between "challenging" fun and "relaxing" fun. 335 words Do you avoid driving and how? 670 words Does anyone here actually live in a non-traditional type of structure? Such as a yurt or a tiny house? 365 words Where do you live and how does it impact your view of simple living? 496 words Simplest living: 1 way to live on $0.00 or less