The current state of CHAZ' "People's Garden."

I'm aggressively mocking the CHAZ LARP, but I get that this is part of the learning process. Every Leftist project that turns into a humiliating shitshow now is one step closer to having running things more smoothly in the future.

Remember that the modern left has been composed of middle-class children who haven't faced any hardship for decades. As the world gets worse (it will bc climate change and capitalism), the left will re-calibrate and improve with all the practice opportunities.

I have the exact same opinion regarding riots and protests. Yeah it's pretty cringe now but it's a step towards getting better.

This is one of my major whitepills and I don't think I'm being utopian. It's simple materialism: socialism in rich capitalist countries is currently an unused muscle. As the world gets worse, it will be forced through more and more training sessions.

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