246 words U.S. Sends Planeload of Somalian Migrants Back Home 325 words Donald Trump 'to sign orders restricting refugee access and immigration from Muslim countries' 172 words Over 50% of German Women Feel Less Safe After Cologne Sex Attacks, Poll Shows 454 words Dylann Roof to jury: 'I do not regret what I did, I am not sorry' 227 words Massive censorship of comments in /r/worldnews post on the success of profiling North Africans in Cologne on New Year's Eve 169 words EPA To Alaskans In Sub-Zero Temps: Stop Burning Wood To Keep Warm 241 words Head Of Italian Interior Ministry Declares To Citizens: ‘You Will Surrender Your Homes To The Muslims Or You Will Be Prosecuted And Sent To Jail’ 219 words /u/Spez, CEO of Reddit, claiming he changed the content of Reddit posts to degrade a subreddit he doesn't like 184 words Austria’s foreign minister Sebastian Kurz has called for an immediate ban on Islamic fundamentalists who distribute copies of the Koran, saying that the law needs to be changed to crack down on “Salafist campaigns - an expression of political Islam which we can no longer tolerate”. 196 words Report: Bill Clinton Wasn’t Only One to Go to ‘Sex Slave Island,’ Hillary Went with Him-‘Six Times’ 492 words Hillary Clinton calls Bernie Sanders supporters uninformed basement dwellers in hacked audio clip 348 words /r/science mod leaks private correspondance showing how their 'racism in science' AMA was carefully censored to make sure only the right opinions remained visible. 191 words Black girl who attacked white dreadlocks guy can now live on segregated 'Afro-themed' floor - The College Fix 291 words /r/uncensorednews mods are censoring discussion on mod posts 212 words Germany's Chancellor Merkel "firmly" rejects calls to change refugee policy despite recent terror attacks 180 words Gang of Muslims storm nudist pool in Germany yelling 'Allahu Akbar' and threatening to 'exterminate' women for being 'sluts' 841 words French Nationalist Boris Le Lay accuses the French government of covering up torture of Bataclan victims to avoid offending Muslims; some Bataclan victims had their testicles cut off and stuffed in their mouth 238 words Man shot dead by police in front of woman and child during traffic stop in Minnesota 154 words Former Secret Service Agent Comes Forward: ‘People Need to Know the Real Hillary Clinton’ 452 words Maher on Orlando: Why Aren’t Liberals Denouncing Violence Against Gays in Muslim Nations?