135 words I'm sick and tired of people pretending they have money. 195 words There should be a mandatory sex ed class at three major stages of schooling (middle, high, and college). 135 words The upper-middle-class is not your enemy 441 words The upper-middle-class is not your enemy 311 words The upper-middle-class is not your enemy 167 words The upper-middle-class is not your enemy 129 words Pressuring people to dance at an event when they’ve made it clear they don’t want to dance is abusive behavior. 119 words Everyone is watching the same thing and soon enough there won't be new things to talk about with your friends if you are in the same place as they are in 170 words Cleaning is less valuable the longer you take to do it. 300 words Calling children “spawn”, “crotch goblins”, etc. is fucking weird 297 words I love Star Wars, but it was never meant to go on this long. 382 words Don Stever should not be on YouTube 153 words there's a whole bunch of things we should stop normalising 153 words You can’t depend on the police to protect you 148 words the saying " you never know what people are going through" is stupid 352 words Dating apps and social media have created a generation of young women who vastly overestimate their attractiveness 287 words Disney killed Star Wars, and that's a good thing. 119 words Going back to the office is more productive for most people 320 words Politics Mega Thread 227 words People telling Americans that hey aren't really Irish etc are just culturally ignorant