255 words I don’t owe my parents anything, I owe my future children everything 207 words I fear that if scientists continue exploring the universe and its laws, we will discover bone-chilling horrors better left unknown. 132 words Reddit confuses Europeans 107 words Arabian Peninsula shouldn't be considered part of Asia 147 words Joe Rogan is not the underdog or an independent voice. Joe Rogan is / part of main stream media. 133 words Joe Rogan is not the underdog or an independent voice. Joe Rogan is / part of main stream media. 144 words People are overreacting about Jimmy Carr. 169 words People in blue-collar professions have an insane sense of entitlement when it comes to jobs 118 words People need to stop comparing the US to Scandinavian countries. 291 words I can't deal with suicidal people. 268 words Saying you’re a “born again virgin” is ridiculous 176 words Schools should not make Public Speech class a requirement. 184 words Only kids love their parents unconditionally. Not the other way round. 179 words Medical doctors are the most exploited healthcare professional 112 words Alcohol should be illegal. It’s only legal because it’s been around for thousands of years, and if it had been discovered as recently as a lot of other drugs it would be illegal 313 words I respect a person’s musical opinion less when they tell me today’s music is bad 121 words Men's/Women's Issues Mega Thread 125 words Plant-based food shouldn't use real food names 125 words Some scholarships shouldn’t be purely based on race. 472 words Beyoncé is overrated/overhyped.