160 words VR is more convenient than real life and will take over leisure activities 116 words Incels are important to society. Every game has winners and losers. We need incels as stepping stones for the people who will succeed in life and be happy. 181 words The fact that employers can’t find workers is terrific news 183 words People take this website too seriously. 127 words I think modern society encourages weak pathetic people not to change 145 words 'Men are visual creatures' is a meaningless phrase. 149 words Children and young adults are being taught that policing everyone else’s lives is not only an acceptable pastime, but an encouraged one. 273 words Nurses Are The Assholes Of The Hospital 175 words Teaching 5 year old kids about sexualities is wrong 142 words It’s not rude to decline food someone prepared for you 143 words I shouldn’t need to hide my boners 222 words School teaches us useless knowledge and neglects useful knowledge 193 words I have never wanted the housing market to crash more than I do right now. 126 words The "Billionares Shouldn't Go To Space If There's Poverty on Earth" argument is stupid and will hold back humanity. 141 words Talking about communism without having read 'Das Kapital' is like talking about Christianity without having read the Bible. 109 words Hear me out 298 words Considering the popularity of teen porn, pedophilia is probably way more common than we think, people just don’t talk about or act upon it 132 words If ignorance of the law is not an excuse, all laws should be written in plain language and easily and freely accessible to all. 112 words If you are wearing revealing cloths, you should expect attention from people around you 114 words It doesn't make sense to say for a long prison term that it is too short