114 words If I read one more mainstream media article that says “Don’t eat the Beyond Burger because its not healthier, you may as well have a regular burger” I’m going to scream. YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT!!!! 138 words New York Times explains meat’s impact on climate change, pussyfoots around recommending a vegan diet 137 words Random Thoughts, Small Questions, and General Discussion (week of April 1, 2019) 297 words Ex-meat-eaters, how were you able to shake away the lifestyle and become vegetarian/vegan? 340 words Isn't it though? The disconnect is surreal. 135 words a convincing “argument” :/ 191 words Actually met someone who worked at a slaughterhouse..... Reaffirmed everything. No clickbait, just a conversation. 172 words New Vegan! How to transition my family with me? 211 words Amirite ?? 124 words My therapist 130 words Science only matters when it agrees with my opinions! 423 words In light of all the shit PETA is getting, heres a list of their accomplishments in helping animals. 260 words I hope this fits here 159 words Random Thoughts, Small Questions, and General Discussion (week of February 18, 2019) 129 words Confinement, exploitation and physical abuse are acts of hate, not love. 254 words Is anyone else on this sub a “chegan”? 160 words "When a child kills an animal for fun, we fear mental illness. When an adult with the capacity to reason does it, we call it 'sport'." -Seth McFarlane 155 words Male baby chicks are ground alive for the sole fact that they can't lay eggs. Vegans are not extremist--being vegan is a normal reaction to a world where this happens. Let's get this to r/all 124 words Why does PETA get so much hate on Reddit? 260 words blubber tho