Actually met someone who worked at a slaughterhouse..... Reaffirmed everything. No clickbait, just a conversation.

I admit I have at times posted pretty graphic content related to slaughterhouses on my social media. I am a vegetarian and a buddhist. The two were not related from the start. After giving up meat I developed an awareness of how much disregard we all have for life unless it’s human life. And that turns us (albeit unknowingly) into murderers. It’s all the more shocking when we think how much people love their peta, dogs, cats, gold fish, sometimes even lizards, birds etc.. yet somehow everyone finds a way to justify the brutal killing of another being and take out the emotional significance of that act. All for food that could be easily replaced with something just as tasty and even healthier. Now, I am jot one of those vegetarians that criticizes others for what they eat.. But I wish everyone could experience being vegetarian for a few months. Not because of any health benefits, but to develop that awareness of what we put in our mouths, where it comes from and how it got on our plate. That would contribute to our overall compassion as a species.

/r/vegan Thread