0 fucks given

This woman is god damn terrific. She could easily make a living as a professional moment-killer. Whenever anybody wants a moment ruined they could just hire her to walk through whatever situation they currently can't stand.

Do you ever find yourself experiencing a moment ( that is so terrible that you feel the immediate urge to just make it all stop, but don't want to look like a jerk? You need The Fuck it Lady!

The Fuck it Lady is highly stubborn and very talented at what she does. Her complete disregard for common courtesy combined with her top-secret patented ability to seemingly not even realize that she is doing anything out of the ordinary makes the Fuck it Lady an essential tool for all kinds of different people and situations. The next time your girlfriend's dad starts telling you one of his old high school football stories and you want to push him into a river, just get the Fuck it Lady to walk right through your conversation, thus interrupting you and providing a more interesting topic of conversation.

And the Fuck it Lady isn't just for that, she can be used for all sorts of different situations as well. This is a testimonial from one of our customers.

David, 26, GA says: "I wanted to stop my 'soul mate' from marrying a bad guy, so naturally I was just going to make a huge awkward speech in the middle of the wedding. But then a friend told me about the Fuck-it Lady, so I decided to give it a try. I called and set up a consultation with her, and she was very accommodating and offered a number of different variations on her trademark "fuck it walk". Then when the day of arrived, the Fuck it Lady did not disappoint. She walked into the church and just kept on walking right up to the altar, acting incredibly professional and oblivious to the many confused expressions that had quickly overtaken everyone's face as she continued to walk in between the bride and groom, and finally off into the back of the church. Needless to say, today me and my 'soul mate' are happily married and have 3 glorious children, and I owe it all to the Fuck it Lady...we owe it all to the Fuck it Lady.

edit: someone hire the Fuck it Lady to walk through this comment please

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