10 Things I Hate About Anime

Finishing on a cliffhanger ending on a good series

It's obviously not a good series then is it?

Characters that are so evil yet so badass that you begin to hate them too

Stupid reason.

Digimon... just no. no.

Digimon does NOT represent Anime as a whole

Bootleg shows that America think will pass by us

How does that have anything to do with Anime?

The timing of needing restroom use and badass moments in episodes


The twists that never make any logical sense or any relation with the storyline

Stop watching shit shows then.

Deaths. They just hit too close to home.

if the death doesn't have meaning, the show is bad.

Fellow Americans trying to drown themselves in living life like an anime character otherwise known as weeaboos

Again, not Anime related, more of a mental problem.

People that go all out just to watch a DBZ movie


Annoying characters that believe they're the shit when they're just cocky pricks

Shit Characters=Shit Show

In Short, Stop Watching Shitty Anime.

/r/anime Thread