100 games into Smite. Opinions and Observations of the game from a Diamond LoL player.

Junglers aren't always carries. Junglers are there to provide CC and support more often than not. Thanatos just ensures your team has a strong early game because late game he drops off hard, Thor shines in the midgame with 2 stuns and some burst damage, Freya is played more as an adc because counterjungling shuts her down hard, so she's not really picked, Ao is very strong but everyone turns a blind eye, Serqet is very strong and is banned all the time, Athena is played as a tank because she's THE top tier, Hun is all about his ult because other than his monkey and a slow jump he doesn't have much chase, Arachne is balanced, Nemesis is balanced, Baka is played solo because late game he falls off due to the fact that you build attack speed to abuse true damage, forgoing tank and crit items. The best build currently for baka gets him over the AS cap with the two AS bows ect.

In SMITE you get extra gold and XP from last hitting, which is actually pretty important as over some waves it can make the difference between an active and no active. Sharing XP is about 70% for each iirc, which is good for a few levels, but you again don't want to leech because it puts you behind, that's why supports rotate to let ADCs get solo farm.

Games here are only faster because everyone chooses to surr at 10 and don't want to drag games out just because it is easier to snowball. A good game can easily take 45 minutes to an hour with a final teamfight deciding the game. People here don't want to play like they're behind and make a comeback happen, which is a bad attitude to have. In higher tiers of ranked though, games are more intense.

Assassin carries were nerfed with Season 2. Lack of pen boots and a nerf to quins pushed some like Kali and Merc out of the meta. If Arachne's ult had a longer cooldown or longer wind-up or no CC immunity or whatever, she wouldn't be played either. But now Hi Rez put in Bellona, which is gonna be an instapick if she gets through bans so I guess melee carries are going to be a thing. One, atleast.

/r/Smite Thread