Team Liquid | Rebirth EP02 - Arrival

Lol how the fuck is that a wake up call of bad coaching? Fenix improved had been improving week to week. Both TSM and CLG had said they play better in scrims than in LCS for the past year. Is Locodoco a shit coach now? Because by your logic, he is.

Dom even said Peter's talk with the team made him believe they could beat TSM. Did you even watch the video? TL's solution to fix the issues was the benching. Having Piglet play more won't help him relax. What the fuck do you think the benching was for? It was to lower Piglet's ego while helping him fit in with the team more.

Nien had like three bad games total. Dexter wasn't nervous, he just didn't get along with anyone on the team other than Aphro. CLG's problems were the players not getting along and there weren't any good replacements. Coaches can't change people's personalities.

just like clg had shit coach/manager last year with kelby or who, who repeatedly told them that if they perform bad they will be benched, when the correct coaching is saying they can perform as badly as they want and only will be benched if they dont put effort in it. (this is TSM/CLG policy too)

What? first of all, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? Do you have an insider to how the teams work? Because I am pretty sure CLG nor TSM had come out and talked about how they bench people. Please show me the source of Kelby saying if someone doesnt perform, they will get benched. Because the fact that no one was replaced by Kelby speaks otherwise. Nien stepped down on his own. Dexter wasn't getting alone with the team so he went back to Germany. Seraph wasn't getting along with the team and went to join TDK.

How is this:

when the correct coaching is saying they can perform as badly as they want and only will be benched if they dont put effort in it.

good coaching? That is shit. Why the fuck would you tell your player that they can perform as bad as they want? If the player is playing shit but tries, should he stay on the team? Winning is what matters, not effort. Trying doesn't get you to wins. Trying doesn't get you to Worlds. This shitty style of coaching will just lead to complacence and hold the team down.


You are not an esports coach. Your idea of a "correct coaching method" literally encourages bad performances and takes effort over actual results. Stop acting like you know how the coaches coach their teams. Watching TSM: Legends doesn't make you an expert on TSM's coaching style. Watching a short about Scarra joining CLG doesn't give you insight on how CLG's coaching works. Stop making stuff up.

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