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Yes, well the ending I guess seems like sort of a "cop-out" but I feel like the premise is so ridiculous, that there isn't really any 'honest-out'(?) Like if he actually (SPOILER ALERT) did give birth?? The ending to me felt like it was done with a wink to the audience. Also, I think there was some 'foreshadowing' in the scene where the Doctor is presenting at the medical conference and he says something along the lines of "Well I know the question on everyone's mind - How will the delivery occur?" (which is also obviously the question on the movie audience's mind) and then the scene very abruptly and knowingly cuts away to some other thing…. So I felt like the film "showed it's hand" - sort of says to the audience "Yes this is a ridiculous set-up but just play along and it'll be fun…"

I think what the film was ultimately 'about' is the nascent Women's Lib movement. It is a 'taking a line of reason to it's logical but ridiculous conclusion' genre of thought experiment. If you are for sexual equality than in an ideal world men and women would not only share equally in work and child rearing but also child bearing! So I suppose you could accuse the film's politics of being conservative? "OK yes men and women are equal and should be treated equally and have the same opportunities (both man and wife seem pretty autonomous in their careers and what not, though they both have sort of traditionally gendered careers) but 'at the end of the day' Men are Men and Women are Women…"

So it's a conservatism that is perhaps not hostile to social change, but ultimately believes in gender. (That one scene where the guys and his wife are talking and she is in blue against a red background and he is in red against a blue background seems like a good visual representation of the films ethos - man and woman as equal and complementary..) But obviously questions about trans-gender identity etc are kind of beyond the scope of this film….

Ok just kind of going off the cuff here, (and some strong coffee!) and I think I'm starting to venture into some territory that is 'above my pay grade so I'll wrap it up… hope that all seems somewhat coherent and not terribly pretentious. :-)

/r/criterion Thread Link - hulu.com