Redditors who are sad right now, what's going on?

Sometimes I secretly wish I won't wake up anymore. Just naturally expiring. No plans of self destruction, don't worry.

I don't plan on having kids or a family, its not worth it with all the messed up shit in this world anymore. All I'm doing is going through the motions. I simply exist to eat, sleep, and work.

I've realized that the life on this planet is so insignificant compared to the massive size of the universe. Living in a world where humanity thinks its the center of creation when its not compared to the massive amount of possibilities.

But every time I wake up I always think of the line from that Tim Allen movie. Never give up, never surrender.

Maybe someday my existence will show meaning. But for now there is nothing more worth doing other than existing because I'm here. I've done a lot of deep thinking about the universe and I probably don't understand anything at all about it, but I've realized enough to know that I want what's next and I'm just waiting for old age.

Even if there is nothing next. Just no more existence. It won't matter because I won't exist to care about it.

Unless I am visited by extra terrestrial beings, I'm just here to be here.

/r/AskReddit Thread