[#14|+4990|1376] 'I fell and penetrated her by accident,' millionaire rape suspect claims in court [/r/nottheonion]

Virnibot has detected a misspelling or incorrect use of grammar in your comment.

yeah im coming straight from SRS, nothing about srs says i cant comment on things in other subreddits. It says dont vote, and im not. I am however allowed to call you a massive fucking hypcritical manchild who changes the meanings of the words they say to fit their own narrative of being a Brave TM little redditor fighting back against all the harsh censorship of the world!!

How dare these people take away your right to say what you want, they're totally censoring you, by talking back to you and saying whatever they want. Some people are even hitting a little button that takes away internet points, how very dare they, they're LITERALLY taking away your speech, they're deleted it from the internet, we cant even see what we're replying to anymore, the SJW's won!!!! OMFG.

My post history totally contradicts...uhm...something??...because i post to SRS and think people shouldn't be wanton assholes to each other JUST because they can. That maybe people should have some empathy. Fucking jesus, im literally the worst. I am everything that is going to destory the world as we know it.

Meanwhile you're sitting over there on Brave Mountain, qouting french history 101 about being able to say the word Faggot. WAUW. i bow to thee, your grasps of the ability to say words is amazing, truly something to be impressed at. And im sure you'll be exercising the right to say that to people at work, or out in the street to people, im sure you'll be saying all those horrible words to people, and free speech means you can't ever be fired, or socially shunned, or called out. Oh no, nonono! OTHER peoples speech saying your speech is shitty, problematic and bigoted, thats not free speech at all, thats censorship. they want to take away your ability to say words. Every Boss accross the land should be completely happy to let their staff verbally abuse customers and say what they like, after all , free speech dude, the ability to have repeat customers CANNOT be affected by the words you say, at all, because free speech.

Free speech: The ability for YOU to say whatever you want, free of consequences. But NOT for other people to say what they want, and especially not the right for them to durectly quote those words you speak under free speech and point fun at you for being a bigot and a child. Nono, thats censorship...because when they link what you said...that uhm...deletes it from the internet, or something...and other people cant see what you said anymore...or...uhm...yeah...

  • You wrote destory which should have been destroy

  • You wrote accross which should have been across

<3 Good day Courtesy | Of | User Virnios

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