$140,000 RAISED!!! Interview with Hugh Mungus

I don't think it's that. I think they're victims in a way but not in they way they seem to think. When people are abused, they break in different ways. Some internalize grief. Some turn to drink or drugs. Some become hyper-empathetic. Some go onto abuse others. I think that last one is what's going on, largely.

Some of these crazed SJWs are just hurting and angry because they've been abused so the only thing they know to do is do the same to the people they feel are guilty re: white people, straight people, cis-gender people, men, etc.

At the same time, they may tend to seek out abuse and not even realize it. I've even caught myself doing this on occasion- like peeking in on MRA and RedPill where I know I'm going to see some misogynist BS. Or I'll control+F "women" in a thread if women are the main subject matter because I just know there's going to be some asshole bitching about women, shouting r/pussypass! r/pussypassdenied! and shit like that. But I remind myself that's a really dumb behavior. Not all men are like that. And I move the fuck onto something that's worth my time like Overwatch or annoying the shit out of my boyfriend until he gets mad enough to chase me all over the house and give me the nasty spankin I deserve. :P

Probably TMI'd you there and almost certainly in the realm of TL;DR now but I really think these people are just giving back what they perceive they are getting.

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