Bernie Sanders on if he would have won: 'What good does it do now?'

Sounds more like you DON'T get your information from various sources, sounds like you only listen to those who you already agree with. That's called an "echo-chamber". You are not listening to those who you disagree with, YOU can call what they are doing "hateful", "racist", "sexist", "White Nationalist" etc. News flash, slandering people with labels IS NOT GOING TO WORK ANYMORE WITH THESE PEOPLE! THEY ARE FED UP!

Political Correctness was all well & good, in the beginning, but then it mutated in to a freaking monster that nobody could recognize anymore.

To quote: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates

There's been multiple instances where what you are referring to as minorities being 'tormented" have been debunked as a hoax. This is why nobody who you agree with is listening to you any more because you are not listening to them. Too many have cried wolf.

This "White Nationalist" thing? Fed up with what they call "Diversity" but it's actually called "Cultural Cleansing" or "Purging", they are SHAMING white people into not breeding with people who look like them, in order to intimidate in making their birth rates decline. Guess what, since you are ignoring them because you disagree with them, of course you are going to call them "White Nationalists" with a negative overtone to the premise, so yes, it looks like they are "lashing out". I'm not saying i condone the hateful rehtoric or behavior of some, but that "some" are the minority of the "White Nationals", many of them are just fed up with being told that their race need to be bred out of existence & go extinct.

Do you understand why "White Nationalists" are fed up with "diversity" & "cultural enrichment", after having said that?

Feel free to continue ignoring the voices you disagree with.

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