19 sounds like the most boring age. What interesting event happened to you when you were 19?

Sat in the back of a cop car in handcuffs on my birthday. My friends parents were out of town and we got the idea that we should take their massive Chevy suburban out on the town. It could hold like 10 people squeezed in there. Anyways we got a bunch of cases of beer and liquor and I decided I would be the DD (no clue why I said I would since it was my birthday. I ended up driving around town while everyone got drunk in the car. We eventually pull into a McDonalds to get food. We’re sitting there having a good time and out of nowhere we see a bunch of cops start walking in. Everyone that was drinking decides to book it, with some literally trekking through creeks and mud. So then it became like a manhunt for the cops to find these kids. Meanwhile I figured I shouldn’t run since I wasnt drinking and my friend whose parents owned the suburban didn’t either. So we sat in the back of the cop car while the cops called our parents. My parents came down and looked disappointed but since I didn’t run and I was the responsible one they just laughed it off when we got home. Pretty much everyone else got caught and got an underage. So yeah it was a weird 19th birthday.

/r/AskReddit Thread