20 States Ask Supreme Court to Release Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood

Women go to PP for abortions. No one but brietbart cares what they do with the waste products after that. Want to know what happened when i took pills and had an abortion? I pissed shit and blead into the toilet... filled that sucker up like never before. Then a tennis ball size plop of the sac went right into the piss and shit mixture. Then i flushed it down the toilet. And blead for another 2 months. If i wanted to do something with that tissue i wouldnt have taken the pills in the first place. Its just more nasty blood and tissue that comes out while taking a shit. Just like every month since i was 12 years old. Ive never saved any period blood or any of my shit and burried it out in the back yead. Or what ever creepy shit these weirdos want to do with my waste.

I Hope one day scientists who actually want to touch stuff like that can pull miracle stem cells out of tissues and help sick people. If i had a way to send them my tissue without having to dig through shitty bloody piss filled water i would have gladly done it. Who care what they do with medical waste. Its waste. Like a shit.

How can you say that about your own child??? U might think.... You dont know my circumstances and trust me you dont want to. You would do what i did in a heartbeat. And i understand that something the size of a frog is nothing more than a potential human. Thank god for planned parenthood they saved my life and were supportive while helping me. They are angles. Brietbart is full of hate and belongs in my toilet. If only i could about them out of my life. But like a cancer. They just wont f-ing die.

/r/politics Thread Link - breitbart.com