I (24f) suspect my boyfriend (25m) of abusing my cats and don't know what to do. We've been together for over 9 years. Help?

I did ask him about the tissues, he said the cat scratched him when he was trying to pick her up before that and he used them to clean the scratches. It wasn't as easy as just not having him over after the second time, I didn't even suspect anything that early. This all happened over almost 2 years and we were living in different states so there was a lot of time where he wouldn't be at my apartment, but also extended periods of time where he would be staying with me or I had the kitten at his apartment (and left her there alone) where she was fine. She also had a neurological condition that affected her balance and other things, just gave her some trouble in everyday life, so I thought she might have been more accident prone than other cats. It wasn't until things started happening with the other cats that I really got suspicious (when the back claw thing happened to my other cat). However I had that other cat since before I even started dating him and nothing ever happened until recently. He does get upset when these things have happened, especially when the cat died. He wanted me to get the autopsy done to prove he didn't do it and he even tried giving her cpr. He was convinced I was gonna leave him when it happened and he was really upset. I was just trying to keep it as short as possible since I already wrote so much, but if he did have something to do with it I don't think he would have wanted me to get the autopsy done, which I guess technically did say it was natural causes, a heart condition. She had a heart attack from a pre existing condition. Her ribs were cracked consistent with someone doing cpr, and we didn't even tell them he tried to do that.

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