25M - My mind has turned against me


25F here.

I came here to write the same exact post and found yours. I'm going through the same. exact. thing.

I was very confident, and was doing very well, too, until I got into a relationship. Then a long chain of family problems, health issues, ect.

I, too, coming out the other side of this have been struggling to find my way back to the good person I used to be. It's like all of my power has been exhausted. I know what this is like. No matter how hard I try every day it is not changing. My wheels are spinning and my mind won't stop long enough to get everything in order.

I feel super out of touch with myself as well. I used to be really high-achieving and independent... have goals and dreams that I was working toward then it all started going to hell.

It sounds like depression, which is very real, and sometimes something you can't overcome on your own. I know what you feel like- like you were whiplashed around too much and your brain is too exhausted to function properly now. But you need to get yourself out of it, because if you do nothing about it it might stay longer than you want it to.

It is hard to find a good therapist, but I would definitely recommend finding one and giving it a try.

Taking actions helps, too. It is easy to think too much about how you are supposed to get out of this and get yourself into panic-mode everyday. Try to remember what you used to be like, the things you used to do, and take actions to integrate those things back into your life.

It's not going to change over night. That's hard for me to face, too. I just want to wake up one day feeling like myself again, so badly. But it will most likely take consistent action in small steps everyday to slowly and eventually get back to yourself.

Just know you are not alone. I'm going through this too. I know exactly how you feel.

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