I 22F am seeking advice on my 5 year relationship with my bf 21M I am currently pregnant

I don’t want him to care and I don’t want him around I said in my post I’d rather have him leave and never speak to me again but he is playing this game with me after months of pressuring me to get an abortion and physically abusing me now he has decided to change his mind and all he talks about is “my baby” “I’m going to do what I need to do to take care of my baby not you”. I told him that if he continues to be abusive and evil that I will make sure he isn’t involved in our babies life for the safety of our child and his response to that is that I want to take our baby away from him because I’m “mad” that he doesn’t want to be with me. He threatens to go to court and get full custody even though he’s a felon with no job and I have text message, photo and witnesses that can attest for his abuse and dangerous behavior.

/r/Advice Thread Parent