[25M] Why does it seem like no matter what a bad person [52M] cannot be defeated?

You're not asking for advice on a specific question in a relationship, this is just a vague, quasi-rambling rant about bad people.

Yes that is exactly what it is, almost a soliloquy about the situation. There's a lot more to the story, I might post about it in a series.

The nature of their mental illness and the fact that everything they do is bad and that they're basically praised for doing bad things.

The guy who is 24 years old, he reached into his pants in front of his mom and sister and wiped his dick with it, and they laughed at it. It was a moment of clarity, as bizarre as it may sound. No matter what he doesn't get in trouble. He ruins something? Doesn't matter, he gets away with it. Did something wrong? Sweep it under the rug. Abusive to people? No matter, none of it matters. Touches penis in front of family? Nope, no one cared. Breaks property? Doesn't have to pay for it. Lies and spreads gossip? Doesn't have to answer for it.

That's what I mean. It seems that he is a bad person and brings the bad wherever he goes and does bad things and has no consequences, no retribution for any of it.

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