I [26M] feel like I'm being emotionally and verbally abused by my [25F] wife but I don't want to break my vows.

My opinion will be EXTREMELY unpopular but it will change your marriage.

She's treating you like that bc she doesn't respect you. Never listen to her words, only watch her actions. Her actions tell you she is not a good person, doesn't care about you, etc.

The way to fix this is NOT you fixing her. It's her fixing herself. However, it's going to take some serious discipline and change on YOUR part to make this happen.

Don't react to anything she says. If you do, this will reinforce her bad behavior and she'll continue doing it to get a reaction out of you. Act aloof no matter what. When she says stuff, act like she doesn't exist. Give her no attention.

You can't argue with a woman. They will never admit they are wrong. You can't explain anything logically bc they do not think that way. Men and women think differently.

Anyways. Back to you fixing this. Don't do anything for her, don't have sex with her and don't even acknowledge her when she is behaving like a child. Be busy doing other things. Ask her to sleep on the couch where she belongs until she can control herself and her mouth.

You are not responsible for her emotions. You need to go over to /r/theredpill and read information on how to fix your relationship. I have personal experience in this. If you don't put that stuff into effect, she will cause you more and more misery and heartache, then she'll cheat (if she isn't already) and then the marriage is over.

Go to the red pill and fix as much stuff as possible. It will help you with your mindset. It's all about changing YOU.

Go ahead and flame me people. Call me a woman hater. But that stuff works.

/r/Christianity Thread