(28F) just found out my boyfriend of 5 years (30M) cheated on me for 5 months with an ex from 10 years ago and he ended the other relationship

Thanks. I agree with the couple's therapy idea.

I still have to think about what I want but I think I want to keep him. I love him and we have had such a great relationship in the past and we have been through soo much together. I know this makes me sound pathetic to most people, I never thought I would be this person.

He said he decided to cheat because: he constantly feels like a failure when he compares himself to me (Career wise), he feels like any set backs in my career are his fault, we have been having a sex slump - he is impotent and has always refused to address it & he has low confidence in the bedroom, is afraid we have become more best friends than lovers, he has been battling moderate-severe depression

He says that he recognizes that he never took steps on his end to help with the decrease of sex life. He wants to go back to his therapist and talk about his self sabotaging behavior, impotence and restart his depression medication. As for constantly feeling like a failure compared to me - we really don't have any answers or solutions for this. I am always so encouraging and supportive. Never anything demeaning and damaging. He says he wants me to succeed and is happy for me but it makes him feel like the fuck up constantly. I am a doctor and I have lost friends and a past boyfriend because my career makes them feel less than for some reason and I legit don't do anything to make people feel that way.

With all of this said, there really is no answer whether or not he will do it again even if he promises. Hopefully if we agree on therapy we will see what happens with that.

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