29/m sometimes I dislike women, but I don't know how to help it.

TL;DR: Go get thee to therapy, ideally with someone who supports women as individuals and not as a hive mind.

I have been going to therapy for some time now and I do receive treated and I am medicated. So please stop with that, yes I do express this in session.

All of the women I've ever met work incredibly hard and are still not taken seriously by their male peers. Hell, half the dudes in my grad program ditch class constantly; it's a huge problem for the professors.

I'm talking about fulfilling their desires, your argument is another post.

Who are these women?

I see so many on tinder which we all know is about hooking up. The hottest women are on there and it makes me so sad. Like there are no hot loyal women. or whatever site that they don't want a relationship, theyre only looking for friends.

Do you have any women friends/colleagues at all? Do you have any women you see as role models?

No I don't, I can't think of anyone of the top of my head.

I don't think anyone, men or women alike is accomplishing the amount of things I do everyday, given my hardships, they certainly wouldn't have been where ive been.

I find it hard to respect most men, much less women which is exactly why am I where I am, because of all the people I chose to disrespect.

Lets be real, like really real. Call me a dick, but you and everyone you've ever known isn't about shit. You came from something to get a leg up or whatever, you don't do all that I do, nobody does, or could even compare. Nobody gave me shit.

So when ive worked so hard and am able to accomplish so much, but all I really want is some love, yeah i'm going to be pissed I don't have it, when others do who aren't doing shit with their lives.

Seriously, if you just looked at my resume, you would think I was 50 years old. just saying. I look great, i'm physically and mentally healthy, I work out, I am spiritual and grounded. What the fuck? so its not happening why?

Then I see this douche and that douche, you wouldn't be resentful? oh come the fuck on you know you'd be pissed.

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