30 and doing alright starter-pack

Even just putting away change/ a dollar or two in a piggy bank when you think of it/ at the end of the week (or a grown up version: easily-concealed-as-decor or just a tin or container wrapped in pretty paper/card/ decorated) tucked away conveniently, but still in view somewhere in a high traffic area can make a difference. Keeping change from "incidental" purchases and putting it in there can add up too :)

Also look into online savings accounts with your bank. I don't mean term deposits, but online accounts you can't access with a card- They often have slightly higher interest rates than normal "everyday" accounts- you can set up automatic transfers into them (That way the money can be "allocated" on or near as to pay day so you don't notice it as much), and you can usually transfer money from them into your every day accounts immediately with netbanking if required.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Parent Link - reddit.com