The 300lb invisible man.

and its a lot to ask

It is? Making your Life 100 easier and at 300lbs know "how depressing, pathetic and fucking worthless you feel"

We both KNOW (medical issues aside) that the 'food in and energy out' equation, Is exactly that, an "equation" and if one puts too much onto one side of the equation you either get fatter of thinner, until you reach your 'appropriate bodyweight'

we both Know that You simply must cut down your intake AND change it's 'quality' too" from a diet high in junk food and low in exercise, to a diet that's what would be considered "healthy" by the 'average dietician'

And there can be NO 'cheating' or cheat days/meal's/snacks etc becoz your making a Lifestyle change, which doesn't have 'putting 100lbs back on and becoming 300lbs again! NO!

You're changing The Thing which has made you miserable beyond words for a long time BUT you can change your Lifestyle so it doesn't 'support'.. the "300lb thinking" that made you so fat in the first place.

A harsh Fact, but Truth be told, I can't recall seeing a photo of any even slightly 'plump', or fat, let alone 'morbidly Obese' person who's been in a WW2 concentration camp for a year or more!

Bro, you're still in a denial stage which is shown in your comments, that basically End in the statement

OP is right, not like we can SEE the muscle, and being able to lift 10 more pounds on a bench press doesn't exactly get us all the poon suddenly. As a whole it is worthless,

says the Fat unfucked guy!!! sheesh dude, what makes you think you're "qualifed" to make statements like these?

You're a Legend in your own lunchbox! sunshine, do yourself the favor and wake up to yourself

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent