I (32F) just told my fiancé (33M) and father of our two kids that I no longer want to be with him, he left and I haven’t heard from him for the last hour.

Being that he is the father of their children, no contact at all is most likely not going to work in the long run. OP is allowed to be worried about someone she cares about and hoping to hear word, even if to make sure he is okay and hasn't done something stupid, is a perfectly normal response. Expecting to hear from him an hour after a breakup is pretty soon and I think more time should be allowed for a response, but you need to chill. It's almost like you have a personal problem with OP or have been in the situation of her fiancé before and are acting like a dick because you harbour ill will from your own experience. Either way, you aren't exactly contributing to the conversation. OP has come here for advice on the situation, not to be picked on and insulted by some stranger.

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