500ms Input latency for 1.1 may be the culprit for aim issues.


=LZR=Col_Gorynych GORYNYCH Posted: March 14 Edited: 8:18AM by GORYNYCH Game version: PTU 1.1 v2 (Mar 13)

Summary: There is delay between actual axis input and ship's reaction. Latency is over 500ms which is enough to completely mess aiming and causes constant overshots.

System Information: Windows 7 64x, I7, AMD Radeon R9 290x, 32 GB RAM, SSD. Graphics settings: tried multiple resolutions 3440x1440, 1920x1200, 1920x1080 with the same result. Network: 100mbits line with ping 100-120ms to RSI server. Environment: Both maps; Game Modes: Spectrum Match BR (other modes and SP are also affected) ; Ship: ANY SHIP

Controller: VKB Mamba Joystick + VKB T-Rudder pedals + TM Throttle. Default curves and sensitivity with zero deadzones in game settings. USER folder was deleted before starting the game.

Description: Ship reaction on axis inputs is always delayed for 500ms or more. This causes constant overshots because it's impossible for human to predict and compensate such delay. When we instinctively try to compensate, it goes wrong because our commands to ship will only be executed after half a second. It makes it impossible to aim at maneuvering target if fixed guns are used. Both joystick and mouse users are affected.

This issue is documented on this short video: 0.jpg Watch this clip in HD full screen and compare ship movements with joystick axises indicator on the right green panel.

Ship reaction on controller input is delayed by over 500ms (half-a-second) and it's serious issue because during the time of lag target may move up to 150 meters away from your reticule. Also, when you see obstacles or rock at distance of 200 meters in front of you, you have no chance to evade it as your ship will start reacting on your evasive maneuver only after passing another 150 meters towards hazard (half a second at 300m/s)

Testing Software: - Joystick Curves app + vJoy driver - Displays crosshair indicating X/Y/Z axis movements. - VKB JoyTester - Displays graphs for any axis. Works with any input device. - Bandicam video recording application

Steps to Reproduce: 1. In game options set all deadzones to 0 and turn ESP off. 2. Make game screen windowed and put axis indicator utility close to arena commander's window and setup video recording app (fraps or bandicam ) to capture both game window and indicator. 3. Using precise joystick enter Spectrum Match (BR) with another player (as enemy). 4. press Ctr-C or ALT to fix your reticule (if gimballed guns are present). 5. Play some time trying to hit your target and record your match on video with capturing area including game window and axis indicators. 6. Analyze recorded video and find moments with overshots, then compare your ship movements with actual axis position.

/r/starcitizen Thread Link - forums.robertsspaceindustries.com