6 heirloom 2k hours Account hacked and banned, EA recovered the account but won't unban it.

I'm assuming positive intent and relaying this story. This happened to my gf. Account was compromised and used to cheat by a third party, and subsequently banned. Only found out about it cuz a friend who knew she was on a break from the game reached out on discord to play, b/c they had seen her online. It took her 3 months of going back and forth with EA support to get someone to check the login address region. A year or more sounds like a lot heh. Unfortunately, theres no other avenue for this, its all in EA's hands. You have to be the squeaky wheel. My gf was reaching out weekly until she got someone willing to listen. In the mean time, someone got a hold of your account, probably from re-used passwords. Its been so long, but you need to change your passwords. All of em. Use a password manager to make sure they are all unique. And its not perfect, but any service you use that offers two-factor authentication, turn it on. Good luck

/r/apexlegends Thread