7 months in the fellowship

So common. I remember on early sobriety all the guys I hung out with always complained about being bored. I went a fid something about it. I got a motorcycle license, I got a motorcycle, I also got a stand up jet ski, I'd go snowboarding in the winter and jetskiing and motorcycling in the summer. I really got into how they work, I had zero knowledge of them 9 yrs ago, now I've rebuilt over 30 of them. I buy em fix em, ride em for a bit, then sell them. It's actually turned into a side business. So I'm always buying, or fixing, or riding jetskis and motorcycles.....we were use to being entertained by doing nothing and shoving booze down our throats..... Its a new life, if you're bored...... Get up and get moving, I haven't been bored in years, but I do remember being bored at 7 months sober... Im glad I did what I did, it would have been easy to sit at the coffee shop with the AA guys all day and be bored together, but I went off and lived life by myself (in addition to AA)

/r/alcoholicsanonymous Thread Link - i.imgur.com