82 percent of Americans don’t consider themselves feminists, poll shows

Mine goes further - I think a bunch of wannabe post national ultra wealthy people have put a hit on the nation state.

The US is the nation state of nation states. Its weak anticorruption laws coupled with its influence and power make it the perfect platform from which to export and propagate the legal vision of the plutocrats.

The end goal is to subordinate national sovereignty to corporate law. Once the US does its part, it may be disposed of.

The plutocrats have implemented through their pets in the increasingly consolidated media techniques designed to balkanize the population. The US must not outlive its usefulness. To that end, they have conditioned us to hate each other. Conservatives must hate liberals. Straight people must hate gay people and vice versa. Religious people must fear atheists, and vice versa. Black people must be made to distrust and dislike white people, white people must be encouraged to be afraid of black people. And so on.

The worst thing that could happen is for Americans to stop hating each other. Should one of the two parties become truly populist and the other irrelevant, it would be a disaster.

While we're all too happy to interrupt presidential debates to cheer at the thought of our fellow countrymen dying for lack of health insurance as of 2011, polls show that only 8% of young people identify as Republican. Where once young people were overwhelmingly racist and homophobic, they now have no problem with mixed marriage or with voting gay couples in to be prom king/queen. The Democratic party is not only in real danger of achieving undisputed dominance of the US government, it also just might be overrun by nationalists who are loyal not to the plutocrats but rather to their fellow Americans and their country.

Enter the SJW. Racism isn't getting better in America - in fact, it's perhaps worse than ever before! (So, black Americans had better keep distrusting and disliking their fellow white Americans) Homophobia isn't a thing in the past - in fact, it's grown more systemic and insidious! (So, homosexuals had better continue to distrust and dislike their heterosexual countrymen. And BTW, we'd better make sure trans people do the same. Maybe even give them cause to distrust both the gay community AND the "cishet" set).

The rigid orthodoxy and evangelism of the social justice crowd guarantees that it will butt heads with liberals who agree with their core values of equality for all. (So, young egalitarians had better distrust and shun their fellow young egalitarians).

If the SJWs succeed in convincing America to do away with anonymity online, so much the better. This increases the chances of any truly populist movement being infiltrated and disrupted during its organizational phase.

Once the US has done all it can do to set up the plutocrat's ideal post-national system, once most of the US's wealth has been funneled into their pockets, they will abandon America and leave it in economic ruin. With any luck, the confluence of economic stress, carefully cultivated resentment and distrust, and easy availability of firearms will bear violent fruit - Americans will be too busy fighting each other to heal their country and oppose the new world order.

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