About to post my first short. Worried about how long it will take to be live?

Sorry, all of this advice is either quarter-baked, speculative to a degree that it's of minimal utility, or just not true. I'm not going to go through it line by line, instead I'll just throw out the whole "Monday-friday" thing leaves out the fact that kdp review is taking place in a country where it's literally a different day (and if I'm not mistaken, a cultural with a 6-day work week as well).

People quibble about the specifics of the review process, but it's just that; quibbles.

Now this on the other hand

Think of it this way; if doing the stuff in your book could get you arrested, don't write and submit it. If what you're writing is just kinky, but nobody would consider locking you up for it because it's literally just a kink or fetish, don't worry.

That's just a big ol slice of noperoni pizza right there.

What will get you banned has nothing to do with legality or kink level. Incarceral as the USA may be, the jails are not filled with plucky 19-year-olds calling their boyfriend daddy, yet incest and pseudo-incest is very likely the largest source of banned content. Meanwhile, flat-out murder (as a plot device) is nowhere near as risky.

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