Adopted traits / possible covert narcissism from a narcissistic father and a (possibly) BPD mother. Is it possible to undo this and get help?

I asked my partner and some friends to point out anytime I'm doing anything selfish, and I try my hardest to change this.

Small things such as choosing to go into a shop or a place that my partner wants to instead of resisting, asking if guests want anything to eat / drink when they're over, cleaning up my dishes so my dad doesn't have to. A lot of small things like this, I'm trying to change.

I've realized that it doesn't matter how I look, nobody else really cares but it's taking a while to undo since a lot of it is habitual. I'm still vain, but I want to change that.

I feel as if there are a number of other selfish acts I may perform on a day-to-day basis, but I genuinely am unaware of them at times without them being brought up to me.

One big thing that I do is manipulate to induce empathy and exaggerate achievements or negative situations. If shit hits the fan, I panic and tell everyone, but in a way that is exaggerated and not quite the truth. I hate this, and I know it's manipulative. It's something I do as a knee-jerk reaction so it's hard to control.

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