Advancement vs happiness in career

So here is a little about me and my experience with this. I grew up in a fairly poor family. My parents did pass on to me a "great" work ethic. long story short, by 16 I was building websites for universities and colleges, working on farms, deliveries, mowing lawns etc. My biggest flaw was that I loved money too much. Any opportunity I could find to advance my career and or make money I took it. Fast forward to 18 I get my first "real" job. I was paid hourly. My first year the company was so happy with my work they let me work as much as I wanted. I put in just over 4000 hours that first year. No vacations, no sick leave, no down time. I did this for the next 3 years. On top of this I started up my own consulting company and was running some online businesses.

My "addiction" to earning money and advancement was so bad, during those years I forced my wife to work full time(medical professional) and go to school full time just so she could make more money sooner(mind you im well into 6 figures at this point....). My 23rd birthday rolls around and my wife starts trying to tell me i need to slow down and i need to see a doctor or therapist. I was so into climbing that social/work ladder that it was affecting my body she said. I never noticed though. So between her threats(divorce) and gathering her fellow medical professionals who said they would strap me down and do tests even if i said no, i gave in and went to the doctor. This is where my life and opinion on the matter starts to turn. The doctors proceed to tell me that I will be lucky if I live to 40, and if I do I will be in a wheelchair and thats the best i could hope for. I hadnt noticed but my facial hair had turned gray(addiction blindness i guess). It was 90% gray and my head hair was starting in. Im only 23 how could that happen... The doctor gave me all of my bloodwork, and physical tests so I could do my own research(i didnt believe him) and guess what, google says he was right....

I since then have tapered off significantly, and made peace with the wife and apologized for my crazy pushing of her. I have found that the only form of "currency" that is truly worth something is TIME. Time is all that we really have. If you feel that your time is well spent on advancement then it very well may be. Keep in mind though that every person is different and it may not be the same. I thought the added stress did not have an impact on my life but it did. All those tiny small amounts adding up over years can take its tole.

TL;DR chose advancement(money) over happiness, almost killed me and almost ruined my marriage by 23. Chose to ease off and will now live past 40 and stay married.

/r/personalfinance Thread