Afraid to travel to the USA

The US has gun violence. Yes. There is crime in the US. There is racism in the US. But look at the stats. Despite those problems, the US is a very safe country isn't like you're going to Caracas, Venezuela.

I live in Baltimore for quite a long time without ever having any issues. Even amongst Americans, Baltimore has a reputation for being 'scary', buy the vast majority of crime and shootings occur in areas tourists and outsiders have no business being in. There's nothing there you'd go to see anyway.

I've traveled to over 30+ foreign countries. Baltimore punches well above its weight class in terms of food and awesome bars to go to, but if you let the fear factor scare you away you'll miss some hidden gems.

The US is a gigantic country. Can I guarantee you won't be shot or won't encounter racism? No. But I'm sure you couldn't guarantee that either in Europe either. As always, it just comes down to probabilities. Despite all of the problems in the US, it is actually way, wayyyyyy more safe now in the US (statistically speaking) than the 1980s and 90s.

/r/travel Thread