After 2016, will everyone please admit that Republicans are more extreme than Democrats?

The Democratic party is the party that is pro infanticide and supports the murder of nearly a million innocent babies every year.

Get the fuck outta here with your religiously driven garbage. Abortion isn't infanticide and claiming it is is intellectually dishonest. The vast majority of abortions involve removing clumps of cells. The RARE late term abortions are almost exclusively to save lives. I know that you don't ever have to be afraid of that since you're a dude, but some women don't want to die carrying a non-viable child to term.

The Democratic party is the party that pushes the homosexual agenda.

Yes, we push the agenda of "who cares what gender you are, if you love someone you should be able to see them on their deathbed". What a shitty thing to do.

The Democratic party is the party that hates the United States military.

The party whose current VP has a son who served with distinction. The next Dem VP has a son, serving with distinction. Totally anti military. They even attacked a gold star family (On no, that was a republican) and attacked a disabled vets families military history (oh wait, that was a repub attacking a dem.)

The Democratic party is the party that wants to ramp up immigration and increase the amount of Muslim immigrants from countries that hate us by 500%.

Saying musilm's hate us is just plain bigoted.

The Democratic party is the party that embraces all of this repugnant trans and "gender fluidity" garbage.

Oh no, we're trying to let people live a life that will make them happy in ways that doesn't affect anyone else. TERRIBLE.

The Democratic party is the party that worships sexual abusers of women (Bill Clinton and Lyndon Johnson) and children (Anthony Weiner and Lena Dunham).

Trump is a literal rapist.

Also, WTF LENA DUNHAM? How is she relevant to the party. That's like me blaming the repubs for the fact that Mel Gibson is an anti semite.

The Democratic party is the party that was pro slavery

You're talking about how much you hate the modern dem party and you bring up something from 200 years ago? Your shitheap modern republican party is blatantly racist.

The Democratic party is the party that is anti-Christian.

They aren't, they're anti bigot, you just conflat the two since you're both.

The Democratic party is the party that nominated a criminal like Hillary Clinton for President.

Hillary did something sketchy with her emails. Trump is a racist, sexual assaulting monster of a human. That's who you're in bed with. (TL;DR, Sexual assaulting, racial housing discrimination, fake university scamming, fake charity scamming, tenant intimidation, illegal immigrant hiring, refusing to pay people for their work, light treason of violating the cuban embargo).

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