After banning Animal Crossing, China to begin censoring online gaming by isolating Chinese players from world and requiring real-name logins

... and you know about Taiwan right? And you don't think maybe, just MAYBE, that's a biased source? That they're maybe gonna take China's already extreme looking laws ( laws that it follows for every single game with online functionality) and twist them somewhat so they can act like this is something new and anti protest?

I'm all for an independent Taiwan, but you don't think MAYBE their news is gonna report anything they can as China 'shutting down protests'? Like hmm, I wonder why TAIWAN would have an interest in making you believe these 'virtual protests' had anything to do with it??? Truly this is a mystery as they most only be reporting 100% facts and in no way have an agenda.

TL:DR an agenda for a good cause is still an agenda and leads to misinformation/sensational reporting. Please check your sources and stop believing everything 100%.

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