After Jerry bans Kramer from borrowing things he vows to return all of it. A female George had briefly dated now works for Elaine as a professional cleaning consultant who she hired to help declutter her apartment, has terrible stories about him.

Scene II: The coffee shop

G: I think I have some of your stuff, Jerry. Kramer has given me things with your name on it.

J: Just keep it. I just want Kramer to learn a lesson.

E: [enters] Hey George. Does the name, Alex Johns ring a bell?

G: Alex Brand? I know an Alexandria Johnson who I dated a few years ago.

E: I hired a professional declutterer. And we were talking about bad boyfriend experiences, and she mentioned the name George Can…something. She didn’t remember.

J: Well that says a lot about that relationship.

G: Well what did she say?

E: Not much. She had another appointment so we couldn’t talk long. Oh Jerry. Here, I have your slow cooker.

J: Why do you have it? Did Kramer lend it to you?

E: Yeah. He said you made a big deal about your things and to give it back to you. I needed to make some space anyway. My declutterer says it doesn’t give me ‘joy’.

J: Doesn’t give you ‘joy’? What does that even mean?

G: Hey, I thought we were talking about me, here.

E: Well I don’t have any other information. If you want me to find out what she has to say about you, I’ll let you know.

G: You better.

J: Why do you have a declutterer?

E: I realized I have way too much crap and so I’m organizing my apartment and throwing things out.

J: You probably should start with your relationships first. You’ve had a lot of crap boyfriends. Well I dumped you so that was a start.

Scene III: Jerry’s apartment

K: Here it is. I got your stuff back.

J: Kramer, this isn’t half of the things you’ve taken from my apartment.

[scene cuts to Kramer pushing his shopping cart down the street]

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