After reporter from CBS NEWS said "this isn't a place with all due respect , like iraq or Afghanistan . This is a relatively civilised (I have to choose those words carefully too) European city" Iraqi hacker hacked into CBS and put the phrase : IRAQ CAME , THEN HISTORY CAME . Sources in comments.


As a gay middle eastern from Iraq who dated a gay middle eastern in Iraq.... we couldn’t get married, but the west only legalized it 6.5 years ago..

LGBT dating in public and hanging out with groups of other gays in Iraq is totally acceptable in a lot areas. There are plenty of LGBT clubs and bars in Iraq. Just like you would likely experience homophobia in rural parts of Texas, Ohio, Montana, Georgia, New York, Florida, or any other state, you will experience homophobia in certain rural parts of Iraq.

Humanity doesn’t hate homosexuality as much as the media would have you believe. I’ve experienced more homophobia in America than I ever did in Iraq. Not everyone’s experiences will be the same and I’m not trying to discount the many many poor souls who died for being gay but please look into American LGBT hate crimes before pretending like they don’t exist.. it comes down to each individual. Stop generalizing an entire population. Cheers!

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