After the UK lockdown

That was exactly the point I was trying to make, thank you.

I'm not a vegan but I get it, and in a perfect world we all would be. But the meat that we typically eat is treated with antibiotics (its own set of problems), handled properly, and tracked so that if an outbreak occurs anywhere that product has been sold can be traced. That's why when, say a Taco Bell has a strain of E. coli break out, they can shut down where that supply train was delivered.

And inherently, some animals are just packed with awful diseases and even our ancestors knew not to eat them. Armadillos carry leprosy, rats can carry plague, and bats carry a whole fuckload of different horrible diseases. The reason bats are such virile hosts for these kinds of illnesses are because their blood temperature is much higher than usual, which makes them amazing hosts for viruses like this that cause high fevers.

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