At the age of 25, you are given a child clone of yourself to raise. What do you teach your clone so that its life will be improved from your own?

Sledding down a hill

Calvin: "Let's try this path over here!"

Hobbes: "I don't see a path."

Calvin: "We'll make a path!"

Hobbes: "Huh boy."

Calvin: "Change is invigorating! If you don't accept new challenges, you become complacent and lazy! Your life atrophies! New experiences lead to new questions and new solutions! Change forces us to experiment and adapt! That's how we learn and grow!"

The sled flies off the edge of a cliff

Calvin: "Whoops.. well, here's a fresh challenge."

Hobbes: "I'll admit it's opened up new horizons."

Calvin and Hobbes both land face down in the snow

Hobbes: "The problem with new experiences is that they're so rarely the ones you choose."

Calvin: "I feel smarter already."


/r/AskReddit Thread