Ahh so Im just the advisor to the CDC on sexual violence and a researcher whose statistics on rape are used widely by the government, NGOs and media... yeah my stats are totally unbiased and true right

You have to be kidding right? I’m not really in the mood for conflict, however I your statement is offensive.

Using a pejorative term such as ‘reich wing’ to refer to people who intend to point out the true nature of an activist and influential person, is quite frankly disgusting. I agree with bringing to light the fact that she’s said these things, because I believe ignoring said quotes would be ignorant. She said disgusting things with the intention of discrediting male sexual abuse and rape experiences, and unless she’s apologised and further clarified her statement to amend what she said, I don’t believe she should be lauded as a ‘feminist’ activist.

Also, anti-feminism doesn’t make one anti-female, which I get the sense is what you believe.

This isn’t about helping the Trump clan, who btw are not ‘pro rape’. If it happens to benefit them, than that’s a secondary effect, not the intended one. Not everything is about American politics. Also, some of us don’t have a penis, so your final statement is obtuse. You mate actually sound like the ‘professional whiner.’

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