AITA - 3rd Grade Teacher Snapped at Me

They can have feelings; but at the age of 9 (my kid is in adult shoes at this point, I mean they’re not a toddler) they should have been taught over the decade to manage their emotions to some extent, at least remove themselves from the situation without running to mom or bursting to tears in front of the school. I just think that is something you transition out of in gr K/1

I’m guessing we probably have a difference of opinion on this and maybe you think that’s acceptable at any age? That’s fine. I think their comes a time when you need to take responsibility for your actions and the consequences.

If I were in that exact situation and my child ran over to me, I would remind them they were late for class. Try to collect themselves, use the bathroom if they needed to, and we will discuss after school. I certainly would not be mad at the teacher in any way, shape, or form because we showed up late.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent